Metabolic Inactivity and Re-awakening of a Nitrate …

The Microorganism and Growth Media. The strain of B. ferrooxidans was isolated from a paddy soil collected in Yingtan, China (116°82′E, 28°2′N) (Zhou et al., 2016, 2018).For routine cultivation of the strain, we used a mineral culture medium (pH 6.8–7.2) amended with 10 mM NaNO 3 and 10 mM FeCl 2.The cultures were started by adding …


1. Introduction. Sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms are generally autotrophic, but a few heterotrophic bacteria like Alcaligens, Paracoccus, Pseudomonas, Xanthobacter, and Bacillus have shown oxidation of reduced inorganic sulfur compounds exhibiting chemolithotrophic growth pattern.Thiobacillus and its related genera like …

chemolithotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus …

Abstract. The iron-oxidizing bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is the most important microorganism in mineral leaching. It plays the dominant role in bioextractive …

Electrochemical corrosion behavior and mechanism of iron …

In this study, the electrochemical corrosion behavior of iron-oxidizing bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on Q235 steel was investigated. The results showed that the bacteria obtained electrons from Fe 2+ and transferred them to oxygen used as an electron acceptor when Fe 2+ was oxidized to Fe 3+.Simultaneously, it was found that the …

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

In the bioleaching of spent LIBs, the widely studied bacteria are Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans.The …

Extending the models for iron and sulfur oxidation in the …

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is an acidophilic, chemolithoautotrophic γ-proteobacterium that uses energy and electrons derived from the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe(II)) and r educed i norganic s ulfur c ompounds (RISCs) for carbon dioxide and nitrogen fixation and other anabolic processes. It is a member of a consortium of microorganisms …

Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans

Natural population of bacteria on Bor mine site. Mesophiles, acidithiobacillus < 2.3x104 cells/gram and leptospirillum ferrooxidans, < 2.3x104 cells/gram, iron-sulphur oxidising bacterial organism present in Mining Company Bor resources (copper ores, concentrates, tailings and mine waters), have been identified using molecular tools based on …

Isolation and characterization of acidophilic sulphur and iron

PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, S. Khan and others published Isolation and characterization of acidophilic sulphur and iron oxidizing Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans from Black Shale | Find, read and cite ...

Pengertian Bakteri Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans dan Klasifikasi

Bukti terbaru menunjukkan tingkat tinggi heterogenitas genetik dalam isolat ferrooxidans Acidithiobacillus, yang diklasifikasikan sebagai spesies tunggal. Strain motil memiliki flagel tunggal & pili. Bakteri ini sporing non dan memiliki genom sekitar 2,8 × 10 6 pasang basa dan 55-65% dari konten GC.

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and its potential …

The widely distributed Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans) lives in extremely acidic conditions by fixing CO2 and nitrogen, and by obtaining energy from …

Isolation and characterization of acidophilic sulphur …

bacillus ferrooxidans have be en isolated from different sources, most of the strains showed the following optimum growth conditions, i.e. pH 1.5 – 2.5 and a

Зэсийн баримт: Химийн ба физик шинж чанар

Зэсийн үндсэн баримт. Discovery: Зэс нь урьдаас түүхийн үеэс хойш мэдэгдэж байсан. Энэ нь 5000 гаруй жилийн турш олборлож байсан. Үг гарал үүсэл: Латин cuprum : Клипийн арлаас, түүний зэсийн уурхайд ...

Bacterial pyrite oxidation: release of iron and scanning …

The iron-oxidizing bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was isolated from yellow-brown deposits found in soil, shale, metamorphic rock, and a uranium mine. In addition to the bacterium and pyrite, … Expand. 65. Save. Bacterial leaching patterns on pyrite crystal surfaces. J. C. Bennett H. Tributsch. Environmental Science, Geology.

Microbiological Oxidation of Ferrous Iron at Low Temperatures

The rate constants of iron oxidation by growing cultures were fitted into the Arrhenius equation, which displayed linearity in the 4 to 28 degrees C range and yielded an activation energy value of 83 +/- 3 kJ/mol. Acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria were enriched from mine water samples with ferrous sulfate as the substrate at incubation temperatures in the …

Distribution of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum

Numerous studies have measured and compared the abiotic, biotic, and Fe 3+-induced rates of pyrite dissolution ().Almost all experimental work has used Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, which is generally assumed to be the most important species accelerating the dissolution of metal sulfide (). T. ferrooxidans is considered typical of AMD systems …

Frontiers | Metabolic Inactivity and Re-awakening of a …

To determine the effect of different cell concentrations on the iron(II) oxidation, the FeOM was inoculated with cells with final concentrations of 3.2 × 10 6 cells mL –1 [B. ferrooxidans (1×)], 3.2 × 10 5 cells mL –1 [B. ferrooxidans (10 –1)], and 3.2 × 10 4 cells mL –1 [B. ferrooxidans (10 –2)], respectively.After a 120-h incubation, this dilution …

Multi-Objective Optimization of Copper Bioleaching: …

Results: 16S rRNA analysis revealed that both bacteria belong to the Acidithiobacillus genus. The factors with the most significant impact on Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans with their optimum level were temperature=35 °C, pH=2.5, and initial FeSO 4 concentration=25 g.L-1.Also, initial sulfur concentration had the most significant impact …

Functional analysis of gapped microbial genomes: Amino acid

A comparison of genome statistics for T. ferrooxidans, E. coli, and Bacillus subtilis is shown in Table 2. Then, 2,712 potential genes were recognized in the T. ferrooxidans sequence, which gives about the same gene density (1 ORF per 963 bp) as in the completely sequenced E. coli and B. subtilis genomes with 4,289 and 4,083 genes, …

Scanning electron microscopic imaging of the strain YT-3 T …

It was shown that B. ferroxidans entered a metabolically inactive state during ANDFO. B. ferrooxidans exhibited nitrate reduction coupled with Fe(II) oxidation, and the activity gradually declined ...

Iron and sulfur oxidation pathways of …

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is a gram-negative, autotrophic and rod-shaped bacterium. It can gain energy through the oxidation of Fe(II) and reduced …

Metabolic Inactivity and Re-awakening of a Nitrate …

B. ferrooxidans isolated from a paddy soil (Zhou et al.,2018). It is capable of utilizing ferrous iron as electron donor with nitrate as electron acceptor under anaerobic condition. However, ANDFO by B. ferrooxidans ceased after 3 to 6 days of cultivation although there was still sufficient amount of ferrous iron and


Korosi yang dipengaruhi oleh mikrobiologi atau MIC (microbiologically influenced corrosion) adalah salah satu bentuk korosi lokal yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme dan aktivitasnya yang ...

(PDF) Aplicaciones biotecnológicas en minería aurífera: …

usada es el Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans), Este tipo de pretratamiento, muestra normalmente cos- la cual es acidófila (pH ~2), mesófila (25-35ºC) y, autótrofa tos menores, si es comparado con métodos alternativos, (fuente de carbono del CO2 atmosférico) (Rossi, 1990; García, oxidación por presión y calcinación ...

(PDF) Metabolic Inactivity and Re-awakening of a Nitrate …

It was shown that B. ferrooxidans entered a metabolically inactive state during ANDFO. B. ferrooxidans exhibited nitrate reduction coupled with Fe(II) oxidation, and the activity gradually ...

United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,914,441 …

United States Patent [19] Hunter et al. US005914441A 5,914,441 Jun. 22, 1999 [11] Patent Number: [45] Date of Patent: [54] BIOCATALYZED ANAEROBIC OXIDATION

Molecular genetics of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans.

Abstract. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is a gram-negative, highly acidophilic (pH 1.5 to 2.0), autotrophic bacterium that obtains its energy through the oxidation of ferrous iron or reduced inorganic sulfur compounds. It is usually dominant in the mixed bacterial populations that are used industrially for the extraction of metals such as copper ...

Frontiers | Biooxidation of Iron by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans …

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in the absence of D-galactose exhibited a specific maximum growth rate (μ max) of 0.11 h –1 in Kim medium; however, in the presence of D-galactose, it showed a lower μ max of 0.009 h –1 as can be appreciated from Figure 1A.Likewise, it is verified that the cell growth without D-galactose reached a cell …

(PDF) Hydrometallurgy.pdf | Dr Abhilash

Hydrometallurgy 95 (2009) 70–75 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Hydrometallurgy j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / h yd r o m e t Dissolution of uranium from silicate-apatite ore by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Abhilash a, S. Singh a, K.D. Mehta a, V. Kumar a, B.D. Pandey a,⁎, V.M ...

Bioleaching: metal solubilization by microorganisms

Bioleaching is a simple and effective technology for metal extraction from low-grade ores and mineral concentrates. Metal recovery from sulfide minerals is based on the activity of chemolithotrophic bacteria, mainly Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and T. thiooxidans, which convert insoluble metal sulfides into soluble metal sulfates. Non-sulfide ores ...


bacillus ferrooxidans (T.f.) has been widely employed in biohydrometallurgy [13]. The bioleaching technology has been used as a pretreatment process to obtain copper, uranium, aurum, and other metals [14, 15]. At first, the bio-leaching technology applied to oil shale was only designed to remove carbonate [16, 17].

Leptospirillum ferrooxidans

In the bioleaching of spent LIBs, the widely studied bacteria are Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans.The important oxidation/reduction reactions in the process of recovering metal by the bioleaching-based process is shown in Fig. 26.19.The bioleaching-based process can be …

Bacterial leaching of low-grade ZnS concentrate using …

Fig. 1 shows the average different temperatures and indicates that 33 °C and rate of solubilization of zinc increased at low pH values. 60 °C are the optimum temperatures for A. ferrooxidans The leaching rate increased at pH b 2.1, and the maximum value of zinc reached 75% and 87% at pH 1.5 for both micro-organisms, respectively.

ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI Thiobacillus ferrooxidans …

T. ferrooxidans diketahui dapat tumbuh dengan hidrogen sebagai sumber energi baik secara aerobik maupun anaerobik dengan kesamaan reduksi dari Fe(III) (Levican et al., 2002). Tujuan Penelitian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat Thiobacillus ferrooxidans dengan cara mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasinya dari berbagai jenis …

Redox Components of Cytochrome bc-type Enzymes in …

bacillus ferrooxidans were investigated by potentiomet-ric and spectroscopic techniques. Optical redox titra-tions demonstrated the presence of two b-type hemes with differing redox midpoint potentials at pH 7.4 (2169 and 1 20 mV for b L and b H, respectively). At pH 3.5, by contrast, both hemes appeared to titrate at about 120 mV.


Bacillus mucilaginosus (B. mucilaginosus) could dissolve silicate and Thio-bacillus ferrooxidans (T. ferrooxidans) could dissolve carbonate and pyrite from oil shale and improve shale oil yield [9, 10]. The combined effect of the two bacteria on oil shale leaching, as well as changes in shale oil composition and yield before and after the treatment

Bacillus ferrooxidans sp. nov., an iron(II)-oxidizing …

An endospore-forming bacterium, designated YT-3 T, was isolated from a paddy soil in Yingtan, Jiangxi, China. Cells of strain YT-3 T were Gram-positive, rod-shaped, …