Isuzu FTR 10-12m3 /Cubic Compactor Garbage …

Isuzu FTR 10-12m3 /Cubic Compactor Garbage Truck, which Isuzu is popular thought as the best brand truck in China, and same as a compactor garbage truck. Isuzu FTR series, the heavy duty truck series of Isuzu, is …

FAW 10 tons water truck -Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd.

FAW 10 tons water truck Classical FAW green color, this is the newlymade FAW water truck, which the FAW company supply the truck chassis, and we chengli make the water tanker body. We are the professional manufacturer of special vehicles especially in water trucks, garbage trucks, we are sharing the largest / biggest market in China and the …

What is Fire Fighting Truck? Introduction of China Fire …

Fire Fighting Truck Also known as fire truck, it is a vehicle specially used for fire fighting or other emergency rescue purposes. Fire trucks can be divided into pump trucks, ladder trucks and other specialized vehicles according to their functions. Fire trucks in most areas are sprayed with bright red (there are also bright yellow fire trucks in some …

Fuel & Gas Truck

Oil, Fuel & Gas Truck, Tanker supplier & manufacturer, we have Dongfeng Fuel Tank / Transport truck, Howo Dongfeng Fuel Tank / Transport truck, Jac Dongfeng Fuel Tank / Transport truck, Isuzu Dongfeng Fuel Tank / Transport truck, Foton Dongfeng Fuel Tank / Transport truck, …. For more Introduction about Fuel & Gas Truck, please check HERE.

Intelligent Rubber Asphalt Distributor ачааны машины товч …

Ухаалаг резинэн асфальт түгээгч машин нь дулаалгатай сав, битум насос, халаагч, битум цацах шүрших системээр тоноглогдсон цистерн төрлийн тусгай машин юм.

FAW 20000 liters water tank truck

1. Брэнд: FAW. 2. Drive: LHD/RHD/6x4. 3. ENgine: 290-340HP. 4. Усны сав: 20000 литр. FAW 3 axles 20000 liters 20 ton water truck

Shacman road/street sweeper truck -Chengli Special …

Shacman road/street sweeper truck Introduction of this Shacman road sweeper: The vehicle can be used as a road cleaning aspiration operation as a sweeping vehicle, but also as a high-pressure cleaning vehicle to flush suction operation, and the road surface cleaning suction and high pressure flush combination can also be cleaned Vehicle use, achieve …

Howo 8000-10000 liters vacuum sewage truck -Chengli …

Introduction of Howo 8000-10000 liters vacuum sewage truck Howo truck is the famous world truck brand, made in China, and popular accepted by worldwode people, especially in Africa countries. Howo vacuum sewage truck, the same the best equipment for your sewage cleaning job. Today we talk is a light duty 10000 liters sewage truck under howo chassis. …

Shacman x9 water tank truck -Chengli Special Automobile …

Shacman x9 water tank truck, Shacman x9 water tanker, Shacman x9 tanker truck Main specification of Shacman x9 water tank truck Product model and name CLW5080WTT3, Shacman x9 water tank truck Gross weight(Kg) 11000 Drive type 4X2,LHD Curb weight(Kg) 4500 Overall dimension(mm) 7500X2400X2900 Approach/departure angle(°) 17/14 Cab …

Concrete Mixer

The concrete mixer truck is composed of a truck chassis and a special device for concrete mixing and transportation. The power of the truck chassis is taken out through the power take-off device, and the variable pump of the hydraulic system is driven, which converts the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy and transmits it to the fixed motor, and the …

Foton G9 ambulance car -Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd.

Foton G9 ambulance car, Ambulance refers to a vehicle that rescues the patient. Features: The car is equipped with special devices such as medical equipment cabinets, oxygen cylinders, stretchers, disinfection lamps, special vehicle marking lights and alarms. Detailed vehicle parameters Foton G9 ambulance technical data product name Foton G9 …

Dongfeng KINGRUN 8000 liters asphalt distribution truck

Applications: Asphalt distribution truck, also known as asphalt distribution truck or asphalt grouting truck, is a special mechanical equipment used for road construction and maintenance. It is mainly used to spread the asphalt mixture evenly on the surface of the road to create a smooth road layer. Our factory produces different brands and models of …

FAW 3 axles 25000 liters fuel tank truck

FAW 3 axles 25000 liters fuel tank truck FAW, is the first automobile manufacturer in China since the founder of PRC, is the first China truck brand, which represent the highest standard of China trucks. So here the FAW fuel truck is one of the top fuel trucks in China. Today i will give you some introduction of FAW 3 …

DFAC KINGRUN 12000 литр асфальт түгээх машин

Хэрэглээ Dongfeng асфальт түгээх машин нь хурдны зам, хотын зам, нисэх онгоцны буудал, боомтын терминал барихад зориулагдсан гол төхөөрөмж …

Batch delivery of Dongfeng garbage compactor truck …

30 units of Dongfeng 15000 liters garbage compactor truck to Ghana 10 units of Dongfeng 10000 liters sewage trucks to Ghana 10 units of Dongfeng 10000 liter swing arm garbage trucks to Ghana More other pictures for enjoying: Some details of these garbage trucks: Last, a short video of delivery ceremony of Dongfeng Garbage …

Асфальт борлуулагч зарна

Олон үйлдэлт асфальт дистрибьютер стандарт төрлийн зарна. XLS1205 асфальт борлуулагч зарна. XLS305P жижиг оврын асфальт түгээгч машин зарна. XLS405 …

Isuzu 5000

Isuzu 5000 – 6000 литр Вакум бохирын машин. Дээрх зургаас та танкийн арын хэсэгт jettimg reel & pipe system байгааг харж болно, тийм ээ, энэ нь зөвхөн вакуум бохирын машин төдийгүй өндөр даралтын ус цацах үүрэгтэй.

Shacman 12 wheels 8x4 30000 liters fuel tank truck

Shacman 12 wheels 8×4 30000 liters fuel tank truck This is the biggest fuel tank truck that we make in the market, which we can use Shacman series F3000, H3000, X3000, all 8×4 12 wheels truck chassis. And the engine power from 300 horse power to 460 horse power. Basic introduction of shacman fuel tank truck Shacman fuel trucks are …

Foton 20000 liter 20 ton water truck

Foton 20000 liter 20 ton water truck, this is a big/ heavy duty water tanker mounted on Foton GTL 2543 truck chassis. Main truck specifications of Foton 20000 liter 20 ton water truck Vehicle Description Foton Water truck Main Parameter Chassis brand Foton 6×4 Chassis Condition 2023 model/ unused / not repainted Driving type 6X4 LHD Cab Foton GTL, …

Шатахууны машин | Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd

Асфальт түгээгч; Кран ачааны машин; Ачааны машин. Ачаа / Ван; Хөргөгчтэй ачааны машин; МЭДЭЭ. Компанийн мэдээ; Амжилтанд хүрсэн тохиолдлууд; Өдөр тутмын …

Dongfeng Kingrun 4×2 8cbm ухаалаг асфальт түгээлт

Хэрэглээ Dongfeng асфальт түгээх машин нь хурдны зам, хотын зам, нисэх онгоцны буудал, боомтын терминал барихад зориулагдсан гол төхөөрөмж …

Битум шүршигч машин | битум түгээгч ачааны машин зарна

Багц асфальтан үйлдвэр (хөдөлгөөнгүй) Багц хольц асфальт үйлдвэр (хөдөлгөөнт төрөл) Тасралтгүй холимог асфальт үйлдвэр Бөмбөрийн холимог асфальтын …

Dongfeng D9 5000-6000 liters fire truck -Chengli Special …

Dongfeng D9 fire truck, Dongfeng D9 water fire truck, Dongfeng D9 foam fire truck, Dongfeng D9 dry powder fire truck, … all series Dongfeng fire trucks manufacturer, factory, supplier with best prices. Dongfeng D9 is a new model for oversea market (the previous model is only for our China domestic market), so Dongfeng D9 fire truck is new for the …

Dongfeng water foam fire truck -Chengli Special Automobile …

Main introduction of Dongfeng water foam fire truck Dongfeng water foam fire truck, which as the popular and most welcomed fire trucks it has been used in the market for many years. Basically it made under the famous Dongfeng truck brand, the first truck brand in China and give the most contributions to the recent and nowdays development of China. …

Dongfeng D7 5-6 cbm garbage compactor truck

Dongfeng D7 5-6 cbm garbage compactor truck Dongfeng D7 is the high standard dongfeng truck model in light duty series. Standard design with beautiful outside color, it has gotten the hot sale garbage truck honor in the market. Description of Dongfeng D7 5-6 cbm garbage compactor truck Rear loader garbage trucks, also known as compression …

Shacman F3000 20 tons water truck

1. Брэнд: Shacman F3000. 2. Хөтөч: LHD/6x4. 3. Савны багтаамж: 20000 литр. 4. Тэнхлэг: 3. Shacman F3000 усны машин ...

Хагас чиргүүл асфальт ачааны машин Chengli Special …

Хагас чиргүүлтэй асфальтан машин нь хурдны зам барихад их хэмжээний асфальт тээвэрлэх хэрэгцээ шаардлагад нийцүүлэн бүтээгдсэн том …

HOWO 13000литр асфальт түгээх машин

» Инженерийн ачааны машин»Асфальт түгээгч. HOWO 13000литр асфальт түгээх машин. 1、Брэнд:HOWO. 2、Хөдөлгүүр: WP4.6NQ220E61/Weichai 220 морины хүч. 3. Жолооны маягт: 4×2. 4、Асфальт савны багтаамж: 13000 литр ...

7.6. Түгээгч нь төлбөр тооцооны тоолуурыг зөөж байрлуулах шаардлага гарсан тохиолдолд хэрэглэгч, хангагчийн төлөөлөгчийг байлцуулж, гүйцэтгэнэ. Найм. Төлбөр тооцооны журам. 8.1.

Асфальт дистрибьютерийн танилцуулга, ашиглалт

Замын дэд бүтэц нь тээврийн чухал хэсэг хэвээр байгаа тул асфальт түгээгч нь замыг аюулгүй, удаан эдэлгээтэй байлгахад чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг тул …

What is Fecal suction truck? Introduction of Fecal suction truck

What is Fecal suction truck? Introduction of Fecal suction truck Fecal suction truck Fecal suction trucks are mainly used in special vehicles for cleaning and cleaning in septic tanks, sewage ditches and sewers, as well as sprinklers and garbage trucks, and are called the three major sanitation vehicles. Mainly for the urban and rural sanitation …

Foton G7 Ambulance Car -Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd.

Main Parameters of Foton G7 Ambulance Car Model CLW5030XJHJ0 Engine type 4K22D4M Fuel type Gasoline Displacement (ml) 1998 Emission standard Euro VI Curb weight (kg) 1855 GVW (kg) 3020 Wheelbase (mm) 2570 Working way of Engine Multipoint injection The dimensions of the Vehicle (mm) 4840×1695×2435(Length x width x Height) …

JAC 5000 liters compactor garbage truck

JAC 5000 liters compactor garbage truck directly from factory – chengli special automobile co., Ltd. Model: CLW5070ZYSH3, JAC white cab with 130 horse power diesel engine, 3360 mm wheelbase, 5000 liters garbage tank. With an effective compression volume of 5 cubic meters, it can hold 3-4 tons of domestic garbage with a compression ratio of 3-4 times, …

Foton Aumark 5 tons refrigerated truck -Chengli Special …

Foton Aumark 5 tons refrigerated truck Foton Aumark 4 meters refrigerated truck Side picture of the Foton Aumark refrigerated truck with one side door for easy loading & unloading. The front / face of Foton Aumark refrigerated truck For more parameters, please see second column or contact us freely. Wholesales of Foton 5 tons 8 tons refrigerated …

Dongfeng 10000 liters rear load garbage compactor

Dongfeng 10000 liters rear load garbage compactor This is the most popular & important garbage collection vehicle, which used in nowadays city garbage transport. Beautiful appearance with powerful engine, and …

What is Fuel Tanker truck? Introduction of Fuel Tanker truck …

Fuel Tanker truck Fuel Tank trucks are also called mobile fuel trucks, computerized tax-controlled fuel trucks, fuel tank trucks, fuel trucks, fuel trucks, oil trucks, petroleum trucks, and edible oil trucks. They are mainly used as petroleum derivatives (gasoline, diesel)., Crude oil, lubricating oil and coal tar) transportation and storage. …

What is Concrete mixer truck? Introduction of China …

Concrete mixer truck A special truck used to transport concrete for construction; because of its shape, it is often called a snail truck. This type of truck is equipped with a cylindrical mixing drum to carry the mixed concrete. During transportation, the mixing drum will always be kept rotating to ensure that the carried concrete will not …

Shacman heavy duty tow truck

Shacman heavy duty tow truck, shacman x3000 14 wheels tow truck for emergency rescue/recovery service of heavy duty trucks or buses. Shacman heavy duty tow truck made by Chengli truck, the biggest special vehicles manufacturer in China with various kinds of trucks including general wreckers and such type heavy duty tow trucks 20 tons, 30 tons, …

Shacman H3000 water fire fighting truck -Chengli Special …

Shacman H3000 water fire fighting truck, this is another typical fire fighting truck which can be taken as the classical model. Main parameters of Shacman H3000 chassis for fire fighting truck: H3000 shacman cabin model, Weichai 300 horse power euro 2 engine, Fast brand 9 gears, 3 pcs of Man axles (front 7.5T and double rear 13 Tons).. 15 tons …